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Your business and referrals help the kids at Childhaven!

A portion of every sale from Weisbarth & Associates is given to Childhaven and in the past 5 years we have donated over $300,000 to them.

Designated Broker/ Owner



Your business and referrals help the kids at Childhaven!

Through all of COVID-19 the Childhaven staff continues to care for every child, delivering counseling, developmental therapy, wrap-around supports, home learning, meals, family meetings, and much more. Every referral you send our way helps the kids at Childhaven, because we donate a substantial portion of our income from every home sale to this amazing organization. If you know anyone considering buying or selling, you have three options:


  1. Send an email with your referral’s name, phone and email to

  2. Call me direct or pass on my number - 206.779.9808

  3. Go to our website at

10 Tips to Get Ready for Spring Gardening


Whether you’ve got a vegetable garden, flower garden, or a garden with pretty much everything, spring will be here sooner than you think, and now is the time to gear up for the season.

Here are 10 things to start on in February so you aren’t playing catch-up when the sprouting begins.

1.Clear Out the Debris

Before you can make your garden beautiful, you have to clear out the sludge. Debris tends to build up during the fall and winter. Get out there and clear it out this weekend, and you’ll have what many consider the worst part of gardening done and out of the way.

2. Do the First Round of Weed Pulling

Gardens do best when starting with a clean slate. Don’t let newly sprouting weeds rob your soil of nutrients or crowd out your young plants. Make sure you get the roots out so the weeds don’t grow back. Now is the best time to get them, or they’ll be all over the place by the end of March.

3.Tune Up Your Tools

Take an inventory of your tools. Do your gloves have holes? Are your clippers dull? Is your mower in need of maintenance? Make a list of new tools and equipment you might need, and sharpen and clean up the ones you have to get them ready for the year.


Now may be the best time to prune, before plants start to flourish in the spring. Cut back trees, bushes, and shrubs. Prune ornamentals and fruit trees. You’ll get a far greater harvest, and the plants and trees will be healthier and more beautiful.

5.Re-moisturize the Soil

If it’s been more than a couple years, get some compost or manure and till it into the soil. This is especially important for vegetable gardens if you want the best possible harvest.

6.Plan Your Layout

If you’re planting a vegetable garden, start thinking about what you want to plant this year while you add your compost. Decide on this year’s layout, and if it’s helpful, draw out a map. It’s generally a good strategy to rotate where you plant the various types of vegetables each year, so consider where everything was last year.

7.Use Fertilizer, as Appropriate

For plants like evergreens, conifers, rhododendrons, camelias, and azaleas, acid-type fertilizers tend to produce the best results. For roses, shrubs, and deciduous trees, all-purpose fertilizers work fine.

8.Replace Mulch as Needed

One to three inches of mulch helps prevent weeds and diseases from ruining your garden. Take time to survey your landscape and replace the mulch in areas where it’s thinning. You want your days working in the garden to be fun and rejuvenating, not spent pulling weeds you could have prevented.

9.Spruce Up Your Annual Flower Beds

If you have annuals, refresh the soil and give them the best environment to sprout up for the year. You could easily do this at the same time you pull the weeds from the area.

10.Plan for Next Winter

Your yard in winter looks a lot different than in spring and summer. Often much more dreary. Take note of how your garden looks right now, and decide on a few plants or trees that will make it through the cold weather next year. Now might be the best time to buy them so they have the whole spring and summer to get a good start.

The Weisbarth Team

We’re looking for a few good people to join our team. Know any top candidates? Call Doron at 206-779-9808.

Cade Coleman

Cade Coleman

Mary Cha

Mary Cha

Ashley Heim

Ashley Heim

Blake Cisneros

Blake Cisneros

Maxi Zurbito

Maxi Zurbito

Laura Villar

Laura Villar

Steve Thompson

Steve Thompson

Dominic Wood

Dominic Wood

Debbie Sipes

Debbie Sipes

Chris Masseth

Chris Masseth

Michelle Shafagh

Michelle Shafagh

Doron Weisbarth

Doron Weisbarth

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More Than Just Real Estate News
Volume VI | Issue 2


Diffusing the Rage – How Childhaven Helped Seth Learn to Be Considerate

Some children are constantly overflowing fountains of energy who resist any attempts to rein them in. When a child named Seth first came to Childhaven, he was so out of control, his teachers feared for his safety.


He would leap up on tables and windowsills, hurling curse words and insults at anyone in earshot. He would ball up his fists as he snatched toys from other kids. Nothing his teachers did to try to calm him

worked — until they gave him a special paper bag.


“OK, Seth, put all those words in that paper bag and throw it away,” a teacher said.


Something clicked in that moment. Slowly but surely, he quit swearing. He started listening when his teachers would say, “Use your words. Ask for a hug if you need one.” He began asking to take a turn with toys he wanted to play with. He even started trying to comfort his teachers when they were having a tough time with a child. He would say: “I care about you. Are you OK?”


Like any 4-year-old, Seth would still misbehave sometimes. But when he realized he had done something to hurt a friend, he would approach them and ask, “How do you feel? What can I do to make you feel better?”


As kindergarten neared, he learned his letters and numbers. He could sit through stories at circle time, and he beamed proud smiles when he mastered the monkey bars. When he left Childhaven, his teachers were sad to see him go, which is incredible considering how he behaved when he first arrived.


This sort of transformation with troubled children is easier at younger ages, and it changes the entire direction of their lives.


These are the kinds of amazing stories that inspire us to donate a substantial portions of our income from every home sale to the marvelous people at Childhaven. Your business and referrals help the kids at Childhaven.


Are Sellers on Vacation? In January?

It’s funny how real estate can be perceived as one of the most stable and volatile industries, all at the same time. Most of the volatility, however, is only perception, not reality. But sometimes, that perception seems to play too big a role in people’s decisions.


Which may help explain the very low number of new homes listed in January this year.


January 2023 saw fewer new homes put up for sale in King County than in any of the last ten years, as the chart shows. That includes the covid years, and all the boom years leading up to it.


But if you look at the data, the evidence is clear that the first quarter of each year is a great time for sellers. I highlighted the first quarter of each year on the chart on the back page, so that you can see how fast the market picks up speed every year at that time.


During this first quarter, the market is full of eager buyers, many of them brand new to the market. At the same time inventory levels are at their lowest. So the active sellers have less competition, while enjoying the high demand from the buyers. As the year progresses, competition from other sellers will increase, as it does every spring and summer. Bottom line – Q1 is a great time to sell!


But this does not mean that you can skip on the basics. To maximize the sale, the house needs to be prepared correctly, it needs to be priced correctly, and proper marketing still matters.


Do you know someone who is considering buying or selling? Then please send them our way! Our 5-step system for sellers lays out the plan for selling fast and for the most amount of money. And our 3-step system for buyers will make sure that you get the home that you want at the best deal. Have them call me at 206-779-9808, and we’ll be sure to take great care of them. And remember that your business and referrals help support the kids at Childhaven.

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